Young Adults 

Wes and Amy Greer

Email for more information

Community Groups

For more information please email

Linda Bentley & Rick and Pam Ledford

Located in: Taylorsville/Shepherdsville

Meets on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday nights at 6:00pm (Childcare not provided)

Nathan Stevens

Located in: Okolona

Meets every other Monday night at 6:30pm Kid's welcome)

Greg and Volinda Heimann

Located in: Shepherdsville

Meets every other Thursday night at 6:30pm Childcare not provided)

Ron and Bev Flora

Located in: Shepherdsville

Meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday nights at 7:00pm  (Childcare not provided)

Darrell and Nicole DeVore

 Located in: Zoneton

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday nights at 6:00pm (Kids welcome)

Dennis and Cindy Burns

Located in: Shepherdsville

Meets every other Monday night at 7pm (Kids welcome)