sunday worship gathering

Every Sunday at 9:00AM and 11:00AM 

We gather for the purpose of worshipping God. We do that primarily through prayer, singing, reading and preaching the Bible, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the giving of offerings. 

Sunday school

We have a variety of Sunday Schools starting at 10:00AM available for all ages. 

Kid's: Infants to Fifth Grade | Kid's Building

Students: Sixth Grade to Twelfth Grade | Student Building

Adults: 5 Classes Available | Auditorium

wednesday dinner and discipleship

Fellowship Dinner | Auditorium | 5:45PM

Discipleship (Adults) | Auditorium |6:30PM

Kid's Ministry (Pre-K - Fifth Grade) | Kid's Building | 6:30PM

Students (Sixth Grade to Twelfth Grade) | Student Building | 6:30PM